Exclusively for Product-Based Business Owners
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{FREE 5 Day Challenge}
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Taught by Product Experts, Jacqueline Snyder and Minna Khounlo-Sithep.
Hey, There!
Jacqueline and Minna here.
Co-Founders and Co-Hosts of The Product Boss Podcast.
We met in early 2017 and quickly bonded over the need and want to find fellow Product-Based Entrepreneurs that spoke the same language and just “got it.”

In the fall of 2017, we launched our first Mastermind/Group Coaching Program dedicated to fellow Product-Based Businesses. Over the years, we’ve worked with hundreds of fellow Product Business owners around the world, helping them create a clear strategy to gain more visibility and sales. We’ve worked with product-based business owners ranging from start-ups to multi-million dollar companies. 

With 27 years of industry experience combined, you get the benefit of not one, but two, product experts. You will receive expert knowledge that spans traditional ways of selling like wholesale and in-person to new platforms such as Amazon and subscription boxes.

Join us so that we can build your business together!
Exclusively for Product-Based Business Owners
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Great NEWS!  Join us for our FREE Workshop How to Make More Sales and Grow a Profitable Product-Based Business

Learn the 3 Secrets of Highly Profitable Businesses to Consistently Generate and Grow Your Revenue Year-Round...

And How To Do It Without Spending One Cent On Advertising!

Holiday Season: it’s the busiest – and most profitable time of year for product-based businesses. Consumers spend billions of dollars from November to December. Are you ready to boost your sales for the holiday season?
As product experts, our best advice is: preparation is key for holiday profits. 
And, of course, absolutely get help where you can.

That’s why we want to help you build your promotions set to sell, so you can enjoy your pumpkin pie as your holiday sales roll in.

  • Set your revenue goals
  • Build and schedule your promotions (with us!)
  • Prepare for a profitable holiday season
We have an extra special 5-day live training coming to you October 21st - 25th. Videos get delivered straight to your inbox, and it’s absolutely FREE. Our challenge is perfect for you if:
  • You want to avoid the holiday overwhelm of creating promotions last minute.
  • You want to start the snowball of sales, even if your business is just starting.
  • You want to create holiday promotions that grab your customer’s attention and hit them at the right time.
  • ​You want to take advantage of the biggest buying time of year and cushion your business bottom line.
  • ​You would love the accountability of fellow product business owners tackling their holiday promotions alongside you.
5 Days to Rock Your Holiday Promotions
Here's How It Works
Start to prepare for the Holiday Season right now! If the red cups appear in Starbucks, you are already too late. However, if you are still sipping a Pumpkin Spice Latte, you have enough time to prepare to double your revenue while enjoying the season.
Join Us
For only 5 days, we will teach you a mini-lesson every day that you can implement as you build your best holiday sales promotions. Also, don't worry, the lessons will be under 10-minutes and are easy to implement.
We will give you strategies and ideas to help you continue to grow your business and revenue past the holiday season. These tools can help you increase your revenue month over month because we know your product-based biz cannot grow solely on discounts.
Here's How It Works
  • Access to our Video training over 5-days created just for PRODUCT-BASED BUSINESSES delivered daily to your inbox.
  • Free access to our pop-up Facebook group of fellow product-based businesses in the challenge, working alongside you and supporting you.
  • Daily Live Q&A with product experts, Jacqueline and Minna, co-hosts of The Product Boss Podcast
You are not alone.
Let's build this together!
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